When you are looking for the right web hosting plan for your business, two key things should come to your mind, namely, performance of the site and budget. When you want better site performance, it is but obvious that you will have to be prepared to pay more. When you want to save money, you look for a cheap priced plan but you may be forced to compromise with site performance. So, the ultimate aim is to find that perfect web hosting plan which can guarantee you an optimum balance of budget and performance. This is why businesses seem to prefer Linux dedicated server hosting.

It goes without saying that dedicated hosting is perfectly suited for larger businesses and ecommerce sites which get a lot of traffic. This is because dedicated servers are capable of carrying out business operations smoothly and with continuity, security and reliability. But, while choosing dedicated hosting, you must make a decision between Windows dedicated hosting and Linux dedicated server hosting. To make this choice, you must consider various parameters like applications being run on the site, the budget at hand, ease of use etc. Linux dedicated server hosting then turns out to be a cost-effective solution which is best suited for companies that must work on a small budget.

What are the key benefits which you can get from Linux dedicated server hosting?

  • One of the most important advantages which Linux dedicated hosting plans will offer is control over the server. When you choose managed hosting the server management lies in the hands of the host. In self-managed or unmanaged hosting, you are likely to face problems for which you may have to reboot the server. Linux dedicated plans will let you do that with ease. You can also install custom scripts, applications and software for your business.

  • Since Linux is an open source platform, it is easier to customize and upgrade. There are many open-source free applications which can work smoothly with this open source OS. It is also possible to update existing applications free of cost with Linux plans.

  • Being open-source Linux dedicated plans are also cheaper compared to Windows. You can save a lot of money because you do not have to pay licensing fees. So, for start-ups and smaller businesses, this is a cost-effective hosting solution.

  • As known, viruses will make any site extremely vulnerable. These are designed in a way to make servers crash and also to steal and corrupt the valuable data. So, important security features like firewalls, anti-malware and anti-spyware systems are imperative which Linux can offer.

  • Moreover, Linux dedicated server hosting will be able to give businesses a reliable hosting environment. It is also a rather good choice for installing scripting languages. Since dedicated servers are by nature scalable, one can also add more servers if and when needed. Therefore, Linux dedicated servers are well equipped to take care of large volumes of traffic in an affordable way.

  • As far as security goes, Linux dedicated servers are highly secure and they guard against DDoS attacks which may affect server performance and make them sluggish. With DDoS protections from Linux, your site is secure and its performance optimum.

While it is quite possible to run your site without being concerned about the operating system on which the server is running, it is better to choose an OS because of some of the advantages which one can offer over another. You will find making a choice wise as there are some applications that are specifically applicable for a particular OS only. For instance, the cPanel is an example of an application that will run optimally only on a Linux server. Moreover, Linux servers typically offer many customization options which are very useful when you are a system administrator. Since each OS behaves in a distinct way, when you choose an operating system, it helps you to customize your own experience. Linux is found to be the more popular choice for most businesses but it is definitely not the only feasible option. Linux is popular because of its stability, increased security and low costs. But the learning curve is more as compared to Windows. Windows OS scores ahead because of its familiarity and ease of use. Installing Windows is easier and configuring it is also faster. For the .Net applications, Windows OS is the only choice.