When you are planning to sign up for affordable Windows web shared hosting plans, there are some things that you need to consider. Shared hosting is preferred by smaller businesses and start-ups which must work on tight budgets. In shard hosting, the resources belonging to a whole server, such as space, bandwidth, memory or power will be shared collectively by multiple so-users. This means that no user can enjoy unlimited bandwidth or memory. Resources allocated to the users will be limited in nature. Shared hosting is therefore less costly compared to VPS or dedicated hosting, where you are not required to share resources with your neighbors. So, affordable Windows web shared hosting plans are more than welcome for small businesses and individuals.

What to remember when choosing affordable Windows web shared hosting:

To start with, when you are choosing shared hosting plans, you need to remember that Windows shared servers are your best bet when your site runs .Net technologies. Such applications will run in a Windows-only environment. Linux servers are typically cheaper than Windows servers because Linux is open source. However, there is no point in signing up for Linux shared hosting plans when you must run .ASP or .Net technologies.

When you use web designing programs like the very popular Microsoft Front Page, you must try to get affordable Windows web shared hosting plans. This will make your task easier because you will not need to worry about server-support extensions, as is the case if you choose Linux shared servers.

When you have worked with Windows operating systems in the past, it makes sense to look for affordable Windows web shared hosting packages. The learning curve is lesser and you will not need to master a new language in order to maintain the site. this is why Windows shared hosting plans are preferred by the beginners with little or no experience in web hosting.

When you are planning to use .ASP you must have a database-driven website. Windows is obviously the better alternative in this regard because the Linux servers will not support such technologies. Because of the growing popularity of ASP, more and more businesses are gradually turning to Windows web hosting solutions. When your website must get data from Access databases, you will also need to have Windows shared servers. Only these servers can integrate these databases seamlessly.

If you are using Visual Interdev or if you are keen to launch Windows-based apps on the website, you should ideally choose a Windows platform. In such a situation, Linux servers are no help at all.

These are some of the things you need to consider when deciding whether to choose Windows shared hosting plans or not. At the same time, you must remember that just because the plans you have got are affordable should not mean that the quality of service is poor. While affordable Windows web shared hosting may be welcome, it is necessary to ensure that the host offers round-the-clock support and can guarantee you a high uptime.